Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Imagineering Workout ~ Update 5 Start Anywhere

The Imagineering Workout ~ Update 5

Start Anywhere

“In order to get started, think of something that interests you.”

Neil Engel

Senior Principal Production Show Designer,

Creative Development

Here is a fun exercise from the book. It is a good way to get your mind going and learn to free yourself.

Close your eyes and imagine: exotic fish, roller coasters, rock formations, the origin of the universe, historical events, heroes, scary things. Then choose one.

Now zoom in: look closely at your choice. Have a “what if” conversation with yourself excluding all boundaries and exploring all the possibilities.

Examine, take a break, re-examine: use what’s in the world to help you. If you chose exotic fish, where can you go to study, explore, discover, participate, even become one of those creatures? If an idea seems silly or impossible, take a good, long look at that one and invent ways of make it a reality. Let your imagination pour out; often ridiculous things prove to be the more inspiring and exciting.

Stroke your imagination’s furnace with images: inspire yourself with imagery. Cut out pictures from magazines, take your camera on an outing, take pictures related and not related to your idea. If it’s exotic fish, photograph not only sea life, but also billboards, cars, planes, pet-supply stores, or anything that fits the category.

Mix up the pictures, then assemble the images in a way that tells a story. If an image just doesn’t fit, consider it a challenge. Virtually no one would put the image of a tropical fish on the same “idea table” as a billboard. But, what if a lonely tropical fish in a fishbowl looked out the pet store window and fell in love with an image on the billboard? Can you see a fun story developing?

Here is one of my “What If” moments. Years ago I taught myself to crochet. I then learned how to make a heart shaped pattern in my crocheting by leaving holes. I made several blankets with this fun design. I then figured out how I could alter the design and put it into scarves. Then my inner Disney Fanatic came out to play!! My mind started saying “what if”.

“What if” I can change that heart into a circle? ”What if” I can make three circles of two differing sizes? “What if” I put the two smaller circles at the top of the larger circle? I now have a Mickey Mouse icon!

I can now use this pattern in any number of crochet items. I can have it running right side up and upside down through a blanket. I can have it at either end of a scarf. It can be the center of a wash cloth.



If you wish to follow along and read the book for yourself here is the information:

The Imagineering Workout

By The Disney Imagineers

ISBN 078685554-1

It is available at

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