Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mater's Junkyard Jamboree Line

Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree Line

Mater has gone all out to decorate his line. He has put lots of different things from his various shorts (Mater’s Tall Tales) out for you to enjoy looking at while in line.

My husband and I had always used the handicapped entrance but on our last trip there was no line for MJJ! We decided to stop and just go in and look at Mater’s display of memorabilia and take pictures. It was something we had wanted to do but with the crowds we could not do it before this. We could see bits of it from the handicapped line but not all of it. Also it was impossible to get pictures with the crowds. I do not expect the lines to stay this short for long. I’m sure once the holiday comes the crowds and long lines will return.

Here are our pictures!

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