Thursday, July 21, 2022

Why the fuss and Concern about Accessibility on the Disney Wish

Why the fuss and Concern about Accessibility on the Disney Wish


Over the past couple of weeks things that are no so accessibility friendly are coming out. Things like not being able to walk around the walking Decks like you could walk around on Deck 4 on the older Disney Ships. What’s the big deal! Just walk back and forth or go inside and grab an elevator. Right?? No, not right. You see, the disabled already have a hard enough time getting around as it is. To tell them they can’t go the same way able-bodied people go makes them feel second class. Add that pushing yourself in a wheelchair, using a walker or crutches is very tiring! The further you go the more tired you are! The less you can and will do.

Think this way. You are on a walk with friends and family around the ship. Suddenly you come to a pole you have go climb over, there are other ways around, but YOU can’t climb over that pole. You have your choices. Turn around and just walk back and forth in the same area, dull and boring. Quit the walk and find something else to do. Let your friends and family go ahead without you, ending your time together. Or, you can go find an alternative route, but that stops the conversation you were having with your friends/family. Can you see why this is upsetting? I’m not disabled but I can sure see it!!! Do you want to make your friends and family walk out of their way because of your special need? No you want to feel NORMAL!!!

Disney Wish has some issues for sure!! One is the outside walking deck(s) and the stairs. The other is the kid’s clubs. The “cool kids” can go down the slide or even stairs that go DIRECTLY to the club. Disabled kids have to go the elevators to go down to one of the ENDS of the club instead of being brought to the middle of the action. Medically fragile children may not be able to use the slide or the stairs! The Disney Wish is dedicated to the Make a Wish Kids, yet it makes it harder to get there for them. It makes them feel less included.

A little more about the Elevators!! There are fewer elevators on the Wish than the other Disney ships. Not all elevators go to ALL decks. What elevator do you take to get where you are going? How long will it take for you to get an elevator??? I have a disabled friend who missed dinner AND the evening show because it took over an hour to get an elevator! People were jumping over her son to get in the elevator before him. The elevator would come and be full and people would laugh at them and say, “catch the next one.” Will you be considerate to the disabled on the ship and step out to let them in? Will you stop those jumping line over them so they can enter? Maybe let them ahead of you?? I do. How would you feel if this happened to you?? Just “catch the elevator” is not a great option often on a Disney Ship.

For those of you who think it is a little inconvenience to go “slightly” out of your way reconsider the emotional toll to those with special needs. We can’t help you at this door, go to the back. That sounds and feels like “Go to the back of the Bus.” Yes, I’m old enough to remember the Civil Rights movement, Freedom Rides, Lunch Counter Sit In, MLK and Malcom X. The disabled get it all the time!! They can’t wonder most clothing stores freely because the racks are too close together. They can’t take a “walk/roll” around the block because the sidewalks are broken or don’t have ramps for them. Don’t you think if they are paying thousands of dollars they would like not to have to feel “different” or be treated as a 2nd class guest? We have an entry for you but you need to go to a different deck, door or further out of your way to get there.

Next time you are on a Disney Cruise Ship please be kind to those with special needs. Offer to hold a door, carry a tray or for God’s sake step out of the elevator so they can use it! Show people curtesy and inclusivity. 

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