Sunday, August 11, 2024

Walt Disney Audio-Animatronic - My Thoughts


Walt Disney Audio-Animatronic - My Thoughts 

While I find the concept of seeing Walt Disney in a lifelike form interesting, I also find it creepy and disrespectful. I have multiple feelings about this project.


First off I think it is disrespectful to Walt’s memory and his family. In fact I know that his family is upset by this development. Here is a post from Walt’s granddaughter, Joanna Miller.

Everyone PLEASE STOP THE MADNESS>>>Do not let them turn Grampa into a ROBOT!…………..My Mom tried to stop this years ago and they respected her wishes. There is plenty of film so people can see him and hear him talk. He has told you everything on TV show lead ins and specials. EVERYONE WHO STEPPED FORWARD when Uncle Robert’s House was going to be destroyed and YOU DID IT . Thank you we have that protected because of all of you. Please help protect the memory and legacy of GRAMPA.

From the personal Facebook page of Joanna Miller

I will add my voice to Joanna’s and stand with the Disney Family on this. When I say I’m standing with the family I am saying this because Joanna Miller is the eldest granddaughter of Walt. She iss passionate in keeping the memory of Walt alive and honored. She is passionate about keeping his memory alive and stopping misinformation about her grandpa..


What can you do? Write Disney Corporate and Disneyland! Let your voice be heard. Share the pain this is causing the Disney Family.

The other thing that upsets me is displacing the Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln. Walt wanted to keep his memory alive. Disney Corporate is doing a lot to take away American History that Walt put into the park. If you truly wish to honor Walt, then maintain that history! In fact, add more!

1 comment:

  1. I am not on a Disney Family Trust and not on the museum board any longer. But I do have a passion for my Grampa’s Legacy and hope to pursue what Mom had wanted in sharing the real facts about the man and erasing any myths that show up.
